Wintering Well at Rockport Marine

Surprise seems to be enjoying this unusual Maine winter as much as we are.  Our winter cover allows lots of ventilation and whether the temperature is unusually cold as it has recently been,  or during those occasional thaws,  we are able to go onboard and do some...

Welcoming a New Year !

We start 2011 on a bright note with another one of Michael Salmon’s fabulous recipes.  We are proud owners of both of his Hartstone Inn cookbooks which have consistently made us look like we really know what we are doing in the kitchen.  We had  enjoyed great...

Holiday Greetings

HAPPY HOLIDAYS We wish you and your family many special moments together as you celebrate the  season and the hope for a peaceful new year ahead !  We are hunkered down for the Maine winter after completing a new post and beam barn for Surprise behind our house in...

Curtis Island at last!

On a beautiful Wednesday, the day after the elections, we finally launched our dinghy and rowed out to Curtis Island.  This year it became even more important that we visit the island and the lighthouse since we had recently attended a memorial service for...

Windjammer Festival and Hurricane Earl

Despite the clear threat posed by Hurricane Earl, the Camden Windjammer Festival took place on Labor Day weekend.  Friday festivities were cancelled since Earl was expected to hit Friday night into Saturday morning.  We brought Surprise to our mooring in the outer...
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